BRISOC Support

If you need any form of support, please do not hesitate to contact BRISOC committee, we are ready to help you and signpost you to the most appropriate support. Our Equality and Well-being Officer is Safiyyah Alam. You can seek help from any member you feel comfortable with, it doesn’t necessarily need to be role specific. Click here to see the list of our committee members.

You can also access the telephone details of each committee member from the WhatsApp group chats, but also feel free to come up to us when you see us around campus!

If you have signed up for the BRISOC family scheme, you can also reach out to your parents or siblings! If you would like to sign up, click here.

For Convert/Revert (C/R) Brothers/Sisters, if you would like to seek advice/support from a C/R specifically, the following two individuals are more than happy to be contacted to be a friendly face and assist you:

Sisters: Dilara Eren (Interfaith Representative)

Brothers: Demi Akinjiide (Former BRISOC committee member)